Director, DP Reel 監督, 撮影監督リール


2022, 4 min, Music Video

In faraway Germany, musician Satoru looks back on his memories of his friend Yoshi, who suddenly took his own life in Tokyo. Without knowing why Yoshi has chosen to leave, gradually Satoru’s thoughts are sublimated into a serene requiem where dream and reality intersect.


Dog Run! ドッグラン!

2016, 1 min, Commercial

Inspired by a horse race on TV, a white terrier dreams of being cheered on by the crowd. Then starts training hard with its owner to compete in a dog run contest, but…


Invisible Man 透明人間

2015, 5 min, Music Video

A lonely lady encounters an invisible man on a dreary night and connects with him. Eventually, the lonely lady discovers the secret of the invisible man.

孤独を抱えながら夜の街を歩く女性。彼女は世界と交わることなく, 傍観者として生きている。ある日彼女は街中で, 透明人間と出会う。まるで惹き寄せられるかのように, 彼女は透明人間の追跡を開始する。

Between Waves 片割れ

2014, 15 min, Short Film

A young feckless man returns to his home in the wake of a natural disaster to discover that his mother is dead and his younger sister is resentful of his absence. 
Determined to atone the only family he has left, his younger sister, the young man confronts his past and opens his heart to the future.

直也は震災を契機に, 長年帰っていなかった故郷に戻る。そこで直也が直面したのは, 母親の死と, 生き残った妹である深冬の, 無責任な直也に対する強い憤りだった。直也は, 唯一生き残った家族である深冬に償うため, ずっと背を向けていた過去と向き合うことになる。

Live with the Sea 海と生きる

2013, 8 min, Documentary

In 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck the Eastern part of Japan. “Live with the Sea” is an intimate account of a fisherman relying on his strength to continue living in the wake of the disaster. What is in his mind while sailing out to sea in silence every day?

2011年, 巨大な地震と津波が東日本を襲った。『海と生きる』は, 復興もままならない被災地で, 懸命に生き抜く漁師の姿に静かに追ったドキュメンタリー映画である。彼は何を思い, 日々沖に出るのだろうか。